möpigt värre

Lycka är ett konstigt ting,
inget konkret - som, låt säga, en guldring.

Ibland har man all lycka i världen, men svalnar den finns plötsligt ingenting.
Något väcker den, det sker en förändring.

Det sticker till, som av en ilsken geting
Det man har måste hållas kvar - en sista kraftansträngning

Men med rätt valda ord kan det ske i en handvändning
-från inget till allting, igen


Our life goes on year by year
But when you think about it, years are just moths - and months weeks.
Weeks; just a few days - wich in turn are made up by a couple of hours. And hours aren't more than some minutes.
Minutes... Well they're just some seconds after eachother
So basicly, our life is just a matter of seconds
Catch them all <3

Deep deep down

Deep down in everyone there's a sea.
Sometimes it's blank as a mirror, and the ripples spread beautifully
But then come times when the wawes are high and all you see is black water
At that times you just got to hold on and remember the ripples,
Remember how easy life can be and you'll see that after rain comes sunshine - the storms will calm and you'll have the peaceful beautiful sea again.

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